
Kamjove TP-160 Piao Yi Gongfu Teapot (500ml)


Enjoy your loose leaf tea the gongfu way whenever, wherever with the Kamjove TP-160 Press Art Teapot.
Simply add your leaves to the removable filter basket, add your hot water and allow to infuse. Press the button to release the infusion through into the jug to pour into your cups. Easy. Clean. Mess free.

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SKU: BT-TP500 Category:

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[av_image_hotspot src='http://www.batchtea.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Kamjove-TP-160-3.jpg' attachment='991' attachment_size='full' animation='left-to-right' hotspot_layout='numbered' hotspot_tooltip_display='av-permanent-tooltip' hotspot_mobile='aviaTBhotspot_mobile' av_uid='av-22vt07']
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Press button to release your infused tea into the glass pot below.
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High quality hand blown glass jar with pouring spout.
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Removable BPA free plastic filter basket.

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Enjoy your tea the easy gongfu way, at your desk or in a rush.

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If you understand that the gongfu method of  tea preparation is the best way to experience your loose leaf tea, but you don't have the time to whip out the gaiwan and tea tray, then the Piao Yi Gongfu tea pot is for you.

Kamjove are one of the leading brands of tea glassware in China and the TP-160 is a great example of this type of tea pot. Made with hand blown glass it is also BPA free and dishwasher safe.

This teapot is perfect for green tea, oolong teas, sheng pu'er and certain black teas (such as our Organic Dan Cong Black Tea), or any tea where you would normally use a gaiwan to brew the gongfu method.

Simply remove the lid and place your leaves in the filter basket, add your hot water, infuse for your required amount of time before pressing the button to release the infused tea into the glass jug. Remove the filter basket to pour your tea before doing it all over again until you've had every last jot of flavour from your tea!

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Hello Tea Lovers!

We're sorry to say we've needed to take our shop offline while we deal with warehousing and delivery issues. We'll be back online asap and are very sorry for any inconvenience caused.

You can still order our book Tea For The People via our publishers, Meze Publishing, using the links on the homepage or in the menu or visiting: https://mezepublishing.co.uk/product/tea-for-the-people/.

Thanks and see you soon!

Marc & Owen

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