
A tea drinking nation we may be.
But tea drinking experts we are not!


Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, trailing only water. It is our nation’s favourite hot drink and yet, despite the UK calling itself a tea drinking nation, tea drinking experts we are not!

Walking through the supermarket there are only 15 or 20 different types of “tea”, and almost all of those are blended and flavoured teas, or fruit and herbal tisanes, which are not teas at all!

Now, don’t get us wrong. We’ve got nothing against the blended and flavoured stuff. At the end of the day we just want people to enjoy tea. More tea. In whatever form it takes. But when we drill down to the pure stuff, the single origin, whole leaf teas, without going to a specialty tea shop, there’s maybe a handful; a Darjeeling, an Assam, a Mao Feng or a gunpowder green, a white if you’re lucky and perhaps a handful of others. Maybe even a little puerh if you’re looking in the right place.

But this is out of the literally thousands of different types of tea you can get from the one great Camellia Sinensis bush.

We’re here to change that. Our mission is to show the British tea drinking public that there are many, many great leaf teas out there, with incredible flavour profiles and distinctive features, and you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for them.

Not just a tea supplier

We didn’t choose to work with tea just to move tea from one place to another. We’re passionate about tea.

We care where it came from, we care how it is drunk and we care about the people who drink it. We’re certified Tea Masters and we love sharing our knowledge in interesting and accessible ways.

As the grower intended
​It is important to us that our teas are enjoyed by people in the way that they were intended, and that is why we don’t just sell tea, we take people on a journey through tea preparation, culture and history, ensuring you know about the tea you’re enjoying.

Special Small Batch Teas
As we work directly with small tea farms and producers, we are able to offer exclusive, small batch teas that you won’t find anywhere else. Being small batches, once they’re gone they’re gone so when you see them, get in there quick!

Are you a business looking to sell tea?

Whether you’re a cafe or restaurant looking for a tea supplier for in-house sales, or you’re a retailer looking for some amazing tea which definitely stands out on the shelf, we want to hear from you. 

Give us a call on 07899 645 482 or drop us an email at [email protected] to discuss your café’s needs and arrange a no-obligation discussion to see how Batch Tea Company can service your customers’ needs.

We look forward to creating your perfect tea environment.

Marc & Owen

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